
Monday, August 30, 2010

Blog #4

What do you think is the most beautiful thing in nature?

Explain your choice in a minimum of 5 sentences. Points will be deducted for grammar and punctuation mistakes.

Your answer to this blog must be posted by Friday, September 3rd by midnight for 100% credit.


  1. Anna Stewart
    I think that waterfalls are the most beautiful things in nature. I love waterfalls so much becauces of how the water turns white when it falls. I also like the sound it makes as it hits the water at the bottom.Pictures can not capture the way the water moves and the light shining through it. That is why I think waterfalls are so beautiful.

  2. I think water is the most beautiful thing in nature. I think it is cool with the way water flows down streams and shines in the sun. Also, water can take any shape or size! It is amazing how many combinations you can make. So I think water is really beautiful, and it also contributes to the environment.

    Ian Shapiro

  3. The Grand Canyon is the most beautiful thing in nature. I like the circle of holes in the rocks that allow the sun to shine through. The river running through the bottom of the Grand Canyon adds great detail to it. I like how it seems to go on forever. Having the sunset shine on the big rocks adds a lot of swaggar.

    Metcalf Prest

  4. I think fish are really beautiful. When I went on my trip to Florida, I went snorkeling. I saw so many beautiful fish. There were big ones, small ones, colorful ones, and eye catching ones. I think they are beautiful the way they swim, and the way they glide through the water. They remind me of the rainbow.

  5. I think that the cliffs of Moher in Ireland is one of the most beautiful nature sight in the world. The rolling green hills that overlook the ocean are simply amazing. But sharply and steeply the breathtaking hills come to a screeching halt. The edges of the green fields are suddenly high over the roaring Atlantic ocean. The contrast between the gently rolling hills and the wild ocean below creates a type of beauty rarely found in nature. That is why I think the most beautiful thing in nature is the cliffs of Moher.

    Catie Blackwood

  6. I think the most beautiful thing in nature is definitely life. It's not exactly one thing but I do think that life is the most beautiful thing (plural) that this world has to offer because it surrounds us completely and it causes so much change. Life is what creates everything and everyone in this world, and makes this world so beautiful. I also think that life in and of itself is beautiful because it is so extremely mysterious. If you look out the window at six o'clock in the morning and just sit and watch the sun spread its light of life on the grass, the trees, the ground, the clouds, it just fills you with a sense of awe and amazement at what a wonderful, beautiful, amazing thing life really is.

    Evan Furst

  7. I think trees, clouds,waterfalls and animals are very beautiful things in nature. Tree's are beautiful in many different ways, the colors are pretty, and the shapes and sizes are awesome, too. Clouds, there justin amazing the way they form and the shapes and sizes they are. They are so unique. WaterFalls are an amazing creation of gods, they are just beautiful, i could look at a waterfall forever. Animals are wonderful they are so exciting and gorgeous, they are pretty patterns and colors, and shapes. The world is a wonderful place to be.

  8. I think that Niagra Falls is the most beautiful thing in nature.The light sparkles in the water.The water creates a cool refreshing breeze.The water is clear enough to look like glass.I hope that sooner or later I could go there.

  9. I think the most beautiful thing in nature is Sea Grove Beach in Florida. The water is so clear that you can see every little detail of the sand below the water. The water is the perfect mixture of hot and cold water. It's not too hot and not too cold. When the suns rays gleam on the water I think its the sun because its so beautiful to see. When the fish swim by and the sun rays hit their scales, it is such a beautiful sight because it looks like fire is swimming in the water. I think Sea Grove Beach is the most beautiful sight in nature.

  10. I think the most beautiful thing in nature is the sunset. When you are at a beach and watch the sunset gently disaspear in the ocean just makes my heart feel very warm and good inside. The colors are just so vibrant and bright but then they get soft and warm. That is the most beautiful thing about nature to me.

    Madeleine Williams

  11. I think that the most beautiful things in nature are dolphins! I think that they are the most beautiful thing because they are gracefull yet powerful, strong yet sutle, and vierce yet calm. Also, they are unpredictable. You never can tell what they are going to do next. The dolphins don't just survive, they live! If we were to look up to any animal it should be a dolphin. The dolphin is what I think is the most beautiful thing in nature!
    -Jessica Braithwaite
    (Love the Dolphins!!!)

  12. I think the most beautiful thing in nature is snow. I may just be saying this becuase we don't see it very often. There is just something about snow thatmake me smile. I think this make me happy because when I see it, it reminds me of hot coacoa or even smores in the fire. Also just the way it glistens on the ground makes everything around it look great also.

  13. I think that Alaska is the most beautiful thing in the world because it has beautiful sites. Alaska also has beautiful glaciers. The cool thing about Alaska is that it is light outside during night during the summer so you can see how pretty it is all night. The cities there have beautiful things in them. That is why I think Alaska is the most beautiful thing in the world.

    Tyler Brewer

  14. Mollie Marshall

    I think the most beautiful thing in nature are all the geysers at Yellowstone National Park. Even though their smell is awful it always amazes me to see them erupt. The colors they produce to the height of the water and the sounds they create astound me. Geysers draw my attention every time I see them because it is fascinating to watch and the way they can produce so much height and heat just impress me. Yellowstone National Park is a magnificent place to see the marvelous and fascinating parts of nature come together; the mountains, the trees, the animals, and everything about the place is just so incredible.

  15. Trees are the most beautiful nature to me. My favorite color is green and trees are all different kinds of green. A forest is beautiful because it has all kinds of trees. Trees also are homes to animals. They also provide oxygen so we can breathe.

  16. The blog above is Shane Churchwell ^

  17. I think that the Rocky Mountains in Denver, Colorado are the most beautiful things in the world because of their snow-capped peaks and their shimmering beauty. These mountains are home to many animals and they make the city of Denver a wonderful place to live or visit.

  18. I think the most beautiful things in nature are clouds. They have cool shapes and it is fun to watch them move around. I also like guessing what they look like. Clouds are in the sky wherever you go so you can always have something to look at when your bored. I like clouds.

    Gigi Rashed

  19. I think the most beautiful thing in nature is the sunset. Even if it is right in front of you or way off in the distance, you can still see the colors it brings to the sky. Not a lot of people get to see a sunset on a regular basis and when they get the opportunity, it can be an exciting feeling. Every sunset is different and the fact that nature takes part in painting each one is amazing. I love to watch a sunset over the ocean, the reflection lights up not only the sky, but also the water. I think we should all take time to look at nature, especially sunsets, because they may not always be there.

    Heather Stevenson

  20. I think the animals in nature are just WOW!They are a lot of differnt shades,colors,shapes,and sizes,blue ones purple ones black ones ,white ones, fat ones, and small animals. I could just stare at a simple ant and think what would happen if i were one. There are problably more animals on earth than us...right? Well anyways i could just stop and wonder around just watchin them go about their buisness.I like animals.

    Sharif Rashed :D

  21. I think the most beatiful thing in nature is when the sun sets. It's gorgeous when your by a water and the sun reflects off the objects. I also like the prettiest colors in the sky that make it up. For example pink, orange, red and even purple. I wish it was that time of day all day, everyday.

    - Caroline Rickman

  22. I think that the most beautiful thing in life is love. Love can mean many things, like it can mean the love of life, loving oneself, loving God, or loving others! But when love may have its ups and downs, lefts and rights, but the most important part about it is that you never give up on it. When you think to yourself and think that no one may love you because of a bad day, or grade, or anything bad in your life, it isn't true! Everyone loves you for who you are, and especially God. God loves each and everyone of us for who we are, even if we cuss or do drugs, or anything else bad. Even if we sin, he still forgives us and loves us again. God will never stop loving us if we take a wrong turn in life. Some people forget about love and what love is. People think that it may not exist, but it DOES! It lives in all of us!! :) So love is the most beautiful and most powerful thing in the world! No matter what others may think about it!! :)

    ~~Sarah N. Houpt~~
    <3 <3

  23. A glistening waterfall is the most beautiful thing in nature to me. The fine mist looks stunning at sunset. You can go under it and feel the sound waves. Of course, you can jump off of it. You can swim through it and feel the pitter-patter on your back.

  24. I think that waterfalls are the most beautiful things in nature. I chose waterfalls because I recently went to Fall Creek Falls and I saw some of the most beautiful waterfalls ever. It was amazing!!! I got to sit and swim under them. I also got to sit behind them and looked through them. It was magnificent! I got to stand at the top of one and look over the edge. It was so high up, but it was beautiful!!! That's why I think that waterfalls are the most beautiful things in nature.

    ~Sarah Robertson~

  25. I think trees are one of the most beautiful things in nature. Trees are unique in their shape, size and color. Trees are always changing in their size and shape, like people. They are home to many animals and provide food for them too. That's why I think trees are the most beautiful thing in nature.

  26. I say that there are many wonders in this world.From the fragrant flower to the majestic oak or from he or from the shining sapphires to the beautiful blue sky I have to choose gems. They are the wonderful rock of earth. A diamond symbolizes the sacred majesty of marriage. Opal a sign of wealth, rubies symbolize fiery burning love.
    P.S.waterfalls are awesome to.

    Wesley Wells

  27. I think it is a smile on a persons face because it show that they are happy, joyful and are fun to be around. There are many songs about smiling too. I mean when I meet someone I want them to have a smile on there face because to me it seem warm and inviting. Okay so when you look at pictures you look and see people with a big smile on there face unless the person was not ready and they are talking or if they blink i hate when that happens. When a baby smiles it is the cutest thing ever and It show that the baby is entertained and happy. That is why I think the smile is the most beautiful thing of nature.
    Stephanie Pierotti!!

  28. I think rain is the most beautiful thing in nature. Rain gives us our fresh water. Its even fun to have a few storms every once and a while. Rain also gives us the amazing waterfalls, which is an awesome part of our nature. My favorite part is after all the rain is over, a beautiful rainbow appears which is truly the most beautiful thing in nature.

    Breanna Johnson

  29. I think the most beautiful sights of nature can be found in Austria or Germany. I am referring to the Alps Mountains. The sight is simply amazing and it makes one wonder how something so beautiful was created by God on our Earth. The rich deep green forests,the exotic mountain animals, the snow capped mountains covered with glistening snow are just a few of the things that make me want to go there someday. It is a wonder how nature is so graceful and beautiful.
    ~~Caroline Lincoln~~

  30. Colleen Brown
    I think that the most beautiful thing in nature is mountains. This summer I had the opportunity to visit parts of the Smoky Mountains. There were several points as you were hiking/driving up the mountains where you could stop and look out at all the beautiful, green, surrounding mountains. I loved standing at the edge and looking around and seeing how tiny I looked next to the huge mountains. There was one particular mountain that we hiked up and had some of the most breath taking flowers I had ever seen. I think it was that trip that I realized that I not only love how mountains look from a distance but also how amazing they are up close.

  31. naomi donovan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!September 2, 2010 at 6:22 PM

    the most bueatiful thing in nature is pretty much all nature and beautiful natural things. Everything in nature has its own beautiful part to it. For example how different things change and there reaction to certain things. I love how the leaves fall off the trees in fall. Also just different things like rain showers, and snow storms. I also love seeing the sunset and the differnent colors it creates.

  32. I think that the most beautiful thing in nature is waterfalls. They flow so peacfully and calmly. They make everything around them feel so relaxed. I think that waterfalls make a very nice sound also. The water is very refreshing to your body too. That is why i think that waterfalls are the most beautiful part of nature.

    !Lauren Griffin! :))

  33. ~Sophia Stavropoulos~
    The most beautiful thing in nature is the flowers. The reason I love flowers is because there pretty and have many colors. My favorite type of flower is a rose because there are red and pink roses. The thing I don't like most about the flowers are bees and when they die. Other than that I love them. I also love roses because the smell very good and fresh. That is my favorite thing about nature.

  34. I think that the most beautiful things in nature are penguins. They are elegant swimmers. Penguins are smart and and fast.When the mother lays their egg or eggs the dad will take care of the egg until the mother gets back with the food. I just think that that is a beautiful thing to do for each other.

  35. I think that the most beautiful things in nature are waterfalls. I chose waterfalls because I recently went to Fall Creek Falls and I saw four of the most beautiful waterfalls ever!!! I could swim through and under them. I could also sit behind them and look through them. That was really cool. I also stood at the top of one and looked over the geed. It was really high up!!! That's why I think waterfalls are the most beautiful things in nature.

  36. I meant edge when it says geed. Spell check changed it to geed.

  37. I think that the beach is the most beautiful thing in nature. I love the way the sand looks in the sun. I also love watching the waves go in and out. Sunsets are another very beautiful thing especially over the ocean. These are only some of the beautiful things in nature.

  38. I think it is gorgeous when the sun sets. The different shades of pink and purple are super pretty. That is the one time i look forward to in the day. I also think the view from a hill or mountain is very pretty. I like looking at everything around me. It would be cool to see the sun set on a mountain.

    Karsyn Sewell(:

  39. I think the most beautiful thing in nature is animals. Some animals are ugly, but there so ugly there cute. All animals are cute in there own special way. I like alpacas and dinosaurs the most though. A lot of things in nature a beautiful.

    Halley Brooks is awesome.

  40. I tink the most buetiful ting in nature is mountain and snow and animals. Matains are awesome they can snow and anials on them! double trouple! anolins are cool because tey have so much power and make evert9ing fun. and snow is just really fun and it looks cool.

    chase white.

  41. The most beautiful I think I've ever seen is a forest in the fall. The reason I pick a forest in the fall is because when The leaves turn many shades of yellow red and brown.

    Jack Bearup

  42. I think the most beautiful thing in nature are flowers. I think flowers are the most beautiful thing in nature because they are so and colorful. Flowers are like paintings, bright works of art. Flowers live, and die, but they always come back. Flowers are the natural, exotic colors of nature and will be forever and always.
    -natalie norton

  43. I think that the ocean is beautiful. I love when I am at the beach and I fall asleep listening to it. It is also very beautiful to see all the sea life in the ocean, and how the water is so beautiful and blue. When I surf being out on the water is amazing because its beautiful. Also dolphins that are in the ocean are very beautiful when they jump up out of the water.

    Austin Powell American Business Man.

  44. I think the most beautiful thing in nature are fireflies, waterfalls, and sunsets. i love fireflies because it reminds me when i was in my childhood i used to catch them all the time and rip off their light. but i just love how they light up the night. waterfalls are pretty amazing. I love the noise it makes when when it hits the other water at the bottom. Sunsets are cool because they have soooooooooooo many colors i love it when they form in streaks and i like to sit and watch it with my aunt. Sometimes we just sit there while talking and watching the sunset.

    Mary Ashley Greene

  45. I think the most beautiful thing in nature is the winter in Montana. The reason why is it almost always snows there, which causes a feeling of calmness, tranquility, and peacefulness. The many evergreens are covered with snow, and I love snow skiing on the mountains. I love how when I am skiing on the mountains I have an amazing view of the small town below me. I love how in the winter our pond is completely frozen, and my friends and I will go sledding on it. I can not wait to go back to the peaceful winter in Montana!

  46. Sorry, where it says about the winter in Montana. I forgot to put a name on it.


  47. The leaves change colors and make the forest look like a field of flowers. Then when the leaves fall the ground all the colors look like a carpet. Just when all the colors are gone Spring comes and everything turns green. When the green is getting old the colors all come back.

    Jack Bearup

  48. I think that the most bueatiful thing in nature is snow. I think this because there are usually no cars driving. Therefore it is very peaceful. But most of all the best thing is that there is no school. So you can finish all the homework that you didnt do last night. You have the wholoe day to do whatever you want outside.

    Jeremy Stewart

  49. The most bueatiful thing in nature would have to be fish in water. I love all the different colors. My faveriot fish would have to be the nemo fish. I do not know what the fishes name is but I do know it was in the movie "Finding Nemo." This fish can swim through sea plants that sting you because thay have a certin kind of mucus on them. This is what I love about nature.

    Chase C.

  50. I think that the most beautiful thing in nature is the ocean. The ocean to me is the most calm sound and peacefulness that there is in the world. Whenever I go to the beach I don't have to think about anything but myself and the day ahead. This to me is the most beautiful thing in nature because of the waves and the sound that the waves make. Also I like the way the bubbles make a boiling sound.
    ----- Townsend Warren

  51. I think the most beautiful thing in nature is the sunsets on the beach. Because when you are at the beach the sand is warm. Also because when you are laying in the sand it is like a million dollar bed. Mainly because the site is so pretty, the yellow, pink, and orange in the sky is peaceful.Everytime i think of something realaxing a beautiful the sunset at the beach pops in my head!

    -carly mcbride

  52. I think the most beautiful thing in nature is sunsets. I think sunsets are beautiful because of all the different colors. Sunsets on the water are even prettier because you can see the reflection in the water.

    -jaclyn perkins

  53. I think a lot of things in nature are beautiful. But I think that oceans are the most beautiful things in nature. Oceans remind me of beahes and tropical places and great family vacations I have had near the ocean. Also they make me feel calm and relaxed when I see pictures of them. For example when I see a sunset at a beach and the sun reflects off the ocean takes my breath away.

  54. Nature is awesome, but I would have to say the most beautiful thing in nature is the ocean. After going on a cruise this summer, I saw a LOT of water. Considering I crossed the whole Atlantic Ocean, I spennt a lot of time on the deck just looking at the water. It was so beautiful. Especially when the sun set every night and when the moonlight reflected off of the water. It was really breathtaking and I would love to experience that again.
    -Caroline Rollosson

  55. I think the most beautiful thing in nature is the moon. At night the moon looks so bright and cool. My favorite is when there is a full moon! At night the moon gives a little bit of light and it's the coolest thing. I wish the moon was always out

  56. test from Lynn Sewell

  57. I think the most beautiful thing in nature is when ur out on a lake at night and the moon is out after the sun goes to bed and there is wat looks like a billion sparcks acros the water. I think its spectacular.

