
Sunday, August 1, 2010

Quote #1

“It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.”
– Albert Einstein, 1879-1955

How much do you think intelligence really contributes to a person’s success? What are the other factors that you believe contribute to success?  How do you plan on succeeding this year in school?

Post a comment by midnight on Friday August 13th.  Comments should be at least 5 sentences long and all questions listed above should be answered thoroughly.


  1. I think intelligence contributes to a persons success a lot. Other factors are how wise you are. Another is how your reputation is. I also think you need to treat people with respect. I plan to work hard the whole year to be a good student.

    Metcalf Prest

  2. Henry Gallop

    i don't think you need to be like, an A+ student to have success. I think that responsibility and unforgetfulness to succeed.I plan to study about 150 times more this year and to make straight a+s for the first tine since fourth geade.

  3. I think intelligence is a major part in success. There are many other parts to be successful too though. You have to be responsible, hard working, and wise. This year I'm going to work hard to keep all of my grades high enough so I will be able to skip the exams. Success is aiming high and trying hard.

    Catie Blackwood

  4. Lauren Griffin

    I think intelligence does have to do with a persons success. Some other factors are that you have to know what your doing, know what the meaning of what you are doing is, and be very smart. This school year I plan on working harder than last year, study more, and focus alot more.

  5. Sean Green

    I think you have to be a little intelligent to be able to think like Albert Einstein. But I don't think intelligence plays a big part in how succesful you are. I think you have to be creative to think outside of the box like Einstein did to invent the light bulb. I plan on trying to get straight A's for the first time in a couple of years. I also plan on doing my best on every school assignment that the teacher gives.

  6. Ian Shapiro

    I think effort is more important than intelligence because if you put in more effort and more hard work, you can succeed. I also think your attitude and positivity are important factors in order to succeed. I plan to study more, work harder, and develop good habits to succeed this year in 7th grade

  7. Breanna Johnson

    I think intelligence is good and does contribute to success. Sometimes, however, responsibility and effort can be even better than intelligence. Responsibility and effort are factors that can help you to success. To succeed in 7th grade, I'm going to work harder and study more. I'm going to try to get good grades and put in my best effort.

  8. Thomas Clark

    Intelligence does contribute to success. Brawn will get you nowhere in life unless you're a football player or a hitman, but brains can make you the CEO of an international comany. Knowing what to do with that intelligence is vital to achieving success, and being kind and helpful is as well. Intelligent people should not be bigoted or sexist; if they're actually that intelligent, after all, they would be neither of those things. I plan on trying to focus better and be more organized this year in school so that I can get good grades.

  9. Tyler Brewer
    I think you have to have an education, but you don't have to be brilliant. The key to success is how you treat people and how you respect all kinds of different people. Success is also about you knowing what is going on in the world and in your community. I plan to study every night and do all of my homework. I also plan to stay ahead and not wait till the last minute.


    I think that our intelligence is key to our daily success. I also think your attitude and being organized is important for success. If you want to do something and know you can do it you will be successful. I plan on staying organized and telling myself that I can accomplish anything this year. I want to make straight A's for my 7th grade year and I wont be able to do that if I dont have the right attitude.

  11. Heather Stevenson

    I do think intelligence contributes a lot to a person's success. Also, there are factors to like trustworthiness and effort that are part of the key to success. One day in your life there will be a wall that you can't get over and you need to have the ability to put your trust and your into another person, so that you can move on and succeed on other things.During, this year I plan to stay organized with my work. I want to work harder.

  12. I don't think intelligence contributes to a person's success. If you think you can do it. I bet you can. Unless you don't mind about what happens. If I what to be a good student and succeed I bet I could.

    Matthew Rodriguez-Nelson

  13. Tucker-

    I think intelligence has some part of it but I think not giving up is the most important. If you keep trying you will always find a way.Some other factors of success are keeping your head high and studying. I plan on succeed by studying and trying my best

  14. I think that intelligence had a lot to do with it. However, taking your time on a problem will pay off and will help ind a solution.

    - Jeremy Stewart

  15. I think intelligence definatley leads do a persons success. Being respectful and having responsibiy are also the keys to being successful. This year im going to try my hardest to keep my grades up. I'm also going to try to balance sports and grades at the same time.

    -caroline rickman

  16. I think that intelligance definatly helps in personal success.Plus being responsible and effort are other inportant factors in being successful.You also need to be able to learn from your mistakes. Which makes you feel more successful in the long run. This year I'm going to work harder, develop good homework habits.

  17. I believe that intelligence is a major part of someone's success. When you also apply responsibility to that I think that it helps you become even more likely to succeed. When you have these two you will succeed because being responsible for your own actions is a main key to accomplishing this task. Also people need to be kind to others because in the long run it makes you a better person so that you will succeed in life.. This year I am trying to take these main points and applying them to class. I hope to keep really good grades to get exempt from exams and I hope to keep focus to make all A's

    - Townsend Warren

  18. I believe that intelligence is the key to success. But, being intelligent is not the only requirement that plays a part in being successful. You must be trustworthy, responsible, take pride in your work, and be respectful. This year in school, I plan on studying hard, paying attention in class, and doing all of my homework that is assigned.
    -Caroline Rollosson

  19. I think that intelligence does contribute to succeeding, but how much time and work you put into doing it, I think, is more important. Being persistent, determined, and focused are also important for being successful. This school year I plan on succeeding by being efficient, and responsible.

    -Natalie Norton

  20. Karsyn Sewell

    I think that intelligence is a very important part to being successful. The intelligence span can differ depending on what job you have. Responsibility, working hard , and being wise are also important in success. This year I am going to shoot for all A's. I hope to get out of my final exams by working hard and studying.

  21. Gigi Rashed

    I think intelligence is important, but you need other things to be successful. A person needs to be able to stick with something when it gets hard. You should also be patient. I'm planning to be more organized. I'll also study hard.

  22. Intelligence definitely a very important thing that leads you to success. Trying, Focusing, and making good decisions that you need to be successful. The more tine you put into it, the easy it is to success and do good. This year, I am going to use different studying techniques, and I have a goal to make at least all B+ or above, I can tell this year is going to be successful.

    Caroline Carter

  23. I think intelligence is key to success. But, there are many other factor to it too. You need to be patient, wise, and be able to stick to things you need to do. This year in 8th grade im going to keep my good grades up throughout the whole year.

    Naomi Donovan

  24. Jessica Braithwaite :)

    I think that intelligence does affect a person's success. For example, a person who has gone through college, got a degree and, maybe, got into high honors class, will be more likley to get a job. But a person who went to high school then didn't bother going to college will probably not get a job.
    I think that respect, patience, and responsibility all leads up to being sucessful in life.
    I plan on being sucessful this year by trying to get to classes on time, and the right classes on tim,.

  25. intelligence is an important factor in success. i think you also need to have patience, make good decitions and be a good friend. this year im going to try to keep my grades high and not let them drop too much.

    -annie u.

  26. I think intelligence doesn't affect a person's success as much the will to actually go through with something.that counts for more in my opinion.Like if you recieve a week long project that will take a while,you need the will to actually start on it even knowing it will take time.Also responsibility, and patience has a lot to do with it.Intelligence does have quiet a lot to do with it.

    Sharif Rashed

  27. I think that intelligence does some of the part of success!! For success you need to stick with it, to have intelligence!!! To go for what you want in life, it will take time!!! Say that you want to be a veterinarian, you would have to do your regular collage courses and then your vet school courses. If you want it very badly you would stick to it. But if you give up, you will not have success in what you want to do in life!! Patience, intelligence, and the will power will help you have success!!! And not just being a vet, in everyday life you need to succeed in what you do!!!!!

    ~~Sarah Houpt

  28. Madeleine Williams

    I think that peoples intelligence has something to do with their sucess because it wil help you get better jobs and more money. You have to be very wiling and not rude and grumpy. This school year I am planning to be very organized and try to get straight A's.

  29. I think that intelligence has a lot to do with success, even though it isn't everything. Other factors might include determination, skill, and dilligence. I will definatly try to work harder this year and pay more attention. The factor that counts the most, I believe, is determination. You have to be willing to sacrafice some things in order to succeed. So I will try to be more determinded this year so i can succeed in my future!
    ~~Caroline Lincoln~~

  30. Intelligence is a big part of success but it isn't the only part. Other factors that contribute to success are perseverance, leadership, planning, and organization. I feel that all these play an equal part in being successful. This year I plan on being a lot more organized than last year. I feel that organization is sometimes the hardest of these things to do and it also very important to being successful.

    -Anna Threlkeld

  31. i think that intelligence has a lot do do with sucess, because if you are very smart it can get you far. I think that if you have respect and people trust you that you will succeed in alot. This year i will focus more and study more!

    carly mcbride

  32. Anna Stewart
    I think that intelligence helps to succeed because some time in life you will need to be smart enough to understand many types information.To succeed I think you need to be willing to work hard and do your best in everything. Also being able to learn from your mistakes. How else do you keep from repeating the your mistakes? I will try to pay more attention this year to succeed.

  33. I think that intelligence does contribute to success. I also think that you also have to be focused and determined. Being focused and determined, I think, are more important skills to get a job done. I plan to stay focused and study more this year.

    ~Sarah Robertson~

  34. Intelligence definitely contributes to success more than anything else but so does focus and organization. I plan to be successful this year by studying more , getting good grades, and paying attention more in class.

    Liz Shumake ~ <3 ~

  35. Mollie Marshall

    I believe intelligence definitely contributes to success but I also believe perseverance, patience, focus, and good study habits help you to succeed also.In order to succeed in my eighth grade year I plan to focus on studying, focus in the classroom, and seek extra help if needed. This year I also plan to be a leader and role model to the younger students at school. I also believe that in order to succeed an anything you have to have faith in yourself and really focus on trying to achieve any and all goals. I think that encouragement from friends also helps motivate people in ways that you yourself can't. I plan to make this a good and successful year.

  36. I think intelligence is half of what it takes to succeed. Mostly, I think your attitude and willingness to do the work determines your accomplishments. I plan on succeeding by staying organized, and giving it 110%.

    Seth Faris

  37. I think you do need at least a little intelligence for success, but you don't have to be a genius. Other factors in success are being prepared and having the proper resources. I plan on succeeding this year by being organized and studying a lot. I also think that happiness and friends are part of success. That means that I will also hang out with my friends to be more successful this year. The more you laugh the longer you live, too. Friends make you laugh so they also make you live longer. I plan on being successful academically and socially.

    Halley Brooks is awesome.

  38. I think intelligence is not the only factor in success. A person has to want to have success. There are plenty of smart people in the world who do not care if they succeed in life. You have to be honest and work hard. So, no I dont agree.

  39. Caroline Moses
    I think that intelligence is an important factor in success but it is not the only one though. To have success, you need to also be determined, skillful, social skills, and be a hard worker. But also you need to think of others before yourself in situations. You can be as smart as ever but if you also have a kind heart that succeed much more than someone who is smart and arrogant. My plans for this year is to be more dedicated to my studies, organized, and be a better all around person for the school year.

  40. I think that intellgience is key to all success mainly.Knowledge is power as i have heard. I will study 90% harder this year because things are going to get tougher.Success is osmething you have to work and you may need other things to help you throughtout anything.And you also need honesty and pride in what you do to succeed. Danny Nguyen

  41. I think intelligence is one of many components for a person’s success. An example is in tennis. You could practice and stick with it or use intelligence to beat the other player. But to play your A–game, you need to combine them. I believe the other factors that contribute to success are staying focused, going the extra mile, and being organized. My plan to succeed this year in school is to stay organized. I’m a real mess.

  42. Mary Ashley Greene

    i think intelligence really matters in the long run because it will help you get good grades and will help you get a better career in life. i also think studying helps a whole lot and so does focus. my plan this year is to get straight a's on my report card to get headmaster schoar. i also hope to stay focused this year (better than last year!)

  43. I forgot in my last blog that i will be more constructive with my time, and more organized with my work to succeed in this year!!! sorry about that!!

    ~~Sarah Houpt~~

  44. I think intelligence contributes a lot to a persons success. U have to be intelligent and have common since to make good choices in life. I also think that confidence contributes to being successful. This year i plan to study for test more and not gooffff around as much.=)

    Zachary Kevin Berger = hot,... tehe ;)

  45. I think intelligence has a little to do with success. Also being organized and willing is very helpful. Having a lot of common sense is good to. To get through this year I'm going to try hard, be awesome, and go to the teachers for help when I need it.

    love: yo favorite student Chase White!

  46. I think that intelligence helps when you are trying to succeed, but it is not a necessity. I think the main factor that contributes to someone's success is how much they believe in themselves. I think that you also need to be confident and determined in order to succeed, no matter what your doing. If you don't put any effort into what you are doing then you will never be able to become successful.
    To succeed this year in school I plan on studying farther in advanced and not be afraid to ask for help when I need it.
    Colleen Brown

  47. i think that intelligence plays a big role in success. Other factors that lead to success would be confidence, responsibility, and you have to believe in yourself. This year i am gonna take more pride in my work and keep my grades up.

    - jaclyn perkins

  48. Austin Powell

    I do not think intelligence exist. I think that where people get in life and there grades is all hard work. This year i plan to succeed and unlike this assignment i will work hard on all of them and im shooting for straight A's.

  49. I think intelligence has a little to do with success but i think you also have to be very determined and whilling to do anything it takes to succeed. This year i plan to succeed on making good grades and getting things done on time for full credit.

    Chase Cavagnaro

  50. Jack Bearup
    I think Einstein meant that determination is just as important as intelligence. In other words, the more time you spend trying to solve a problem, the more likely you will get the answer. Intelligence, determination, diligence, and hard work are all very important to success. You can be the smartest person ever, but be so lazy that you fail. You also need confidence in yourself. This year in school, I am going to be more organized and ask questions when I'm not sure about something. Also, unlike this one, I plan to do all my assignments on time.

  51. I think Einstien's quote was amazing.I think he was right because when you try harder on a problem you have more time to think about it.If any one trys hard at anything they will sucessed or have the pride of doing it.So that reminds me to try harder in school.The way I will try harder in school is to study hard and take my time.

    Sophia Stavropouls

  52. I think intelligence can sometimes help you succeed in life. The reason why is because some people out there are really intelligent or smart, but choose not to use it and usually there whole life goes to waste. What there lacking is the perseverance and determination to succeed in life. When you are strong willed or really determined to reach a goal and once you reach it you feel very accomplished. I think if you set goals and limits in your life you will succeed. This year I hope to get straight A's, pay attention, and not to daydream my life away!:) - Kristen Dabov
