
Monday, August 16, 2010

Quote #2

“An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity; a pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity.” – Winston Churchill, 1874-1965

In general, do you consider yourself an optimist or a pessimist?
In what situation might you act more like the opposite type of person?

Post a comment by midnight on Friday August 20th. Comments should be at least 5 sentences long and all questions listed above should be answered thoroughly.


  1. I consider myself an optimist. I would act more like the opposite type of person when I'm not doing well in school. I keep working hard when I'm not doing to well. I never give up. I always give 100%.

    Metcalf Prest

  2. I think I am an optimist because I always try to make something good out of every bad thing. When ever I'm not doing so well I always try something different to make whatever it is I'm doing better, and always try my hardest.

    Seth Faris

  3. I think i am an optimist. I think that because even if something bad happens, I always look for the good things and I try to make something terrible turn into a fun thing.I always try my hardest not to be negative. Whenever I am sick I always just think have a positive attitude about it, positive attitude will get you much further than an negative attitude. Having a good attitude about things is very important in life.

    Caroline Carter

  4. I think I am an optimist. I almost always try to find the positive side in every problem. Even though sometimes, I act the opposite. If I don't feel good, I might act like a pessimist. So, in general, I consider myself a optimist, always trying to find the good side of bad situations.

    Breanna Johnson

  5. Mollie Marshall

    In general I tend to try to be an optimist even if it doesn't always work out. I try to stay positive with everything I do but a lot of times when I'm in a bad mood, don't feel good, or if I am stressed I tend to lean toward the pessimist side of things. I try to stay optimistic when it comes to school work, extracurricular activities, or anything else and approach everything with a positive attitude. When I'm with friends we always try to encourage each other and that helps my attitude towards anything grow even more. So, I try to stay as positive as possible when things aren't going well but with the support from friends everything becomes a little easier.

  6. Most of the time I think of myself as an optimistic person. But I denfintly am not all the time. Like when I have to do something I am forced to do but I do not want to do. Usaly though I try to turn the bad things in fun things. Like when I'm playing a sport and I know that my team is gonna lose I try to have fun anyway.

    Chase White!

  7. In general I think I am a optimist athough it doesn't always work.I usally am optimistic about normal everyday things. But if im tired, unhappy, moody, or had a hard day I can definatly find myself on the pessimistic side. When I am on that side I usally just need some time alone and I feel much better. I mostly try to find the good things in my day and use them to my advantage.

  8. I think most of the time I'm an optimist because I have been through a lot of situations dealing with friends and family, and every time I've seen an opportunity to make something better or make something appear when it wasn't there before. I think if I were being forced to do something I didn't want to do that was challenging physically, I would definitely see a calamity because I wouldn't have the confidence to do it, nor the patience or energy.

  9. The previous comment was by Evan Furst.

  10. I think i am a mixture between the two. I try to think on the bright side and sometimes it works but sometimes i feel like i should not get my hopes up. I guess you could call me an optimist. when i play on my own basketball team that i play on I am very optimistic. But when it comes to things like math(what i dont like) it just depends on what i feel like that day.

  11. I would call myself an optimist. I think I'm an optimist because I look at the glass half full. I think I can be a pessimist when I am in a bad mood, or maybe when a situation isn't comfortable. Also if i am with people i don't like, I'm a pessimist
    Ian Shapiro

  12. i would say that i am a optimist. I'm a optimist because I always look at the bright side of the situation instead of being negative. Sometimes I am a mixture of both in upseting situations. It's hard to be postive all the time, but I know that being an optimist get you farther in life.

    caroline rickman

  13. I would call myself an optimist because whenever something happens that doesn't go my way or planned, I try my hardest to look on the bright side of it because there is always someone in the world worse off than me, so I try to remember that. I try to not let things that upset me get to me too much, and most of the time, it works. But sometimes, I can also be very negative but I try my hardest not to. Life is too short to be anything but positive and happy, so why not make the most of it?
    -Caroline Rollosson

  14. i would consider myself an optimist, because there are opportunities everywhere and if you dont take and experience that opportunity , then you really wont get to experience what is in store for you in your life. In a situation where everything seems to go right and i get what i want, then i would think of the calamities that would be there if i didnt get what i want.

    liz shumake ~<3~

  15. I would call my self a pessimist. When i see a oppertunaty , i always hisitate to think about the things that could go wrong. But there is nothing wrong with being a pessimist though because your always aware. If your always you cant be surprised. So I'm cuvered.
    - Preston Vihlen

  16. I don't conider myself either an optimist or a pessimist. I consider myself a realist. Someone of neatral ground who can see how something can fail but doesn't assume it will.An opptist thinks he will win the lottery.A pessimist on the other hand thinks that everyone will become obsessed with winning and waste all their money on it.A realist considers the odds and says I will lose do to the amount of people playing.He will not take much risk but he will take some. Wesley Wells

  17. I think that I am an optimist person. I try to be to be on the optimist side whenever something happens that I am not happy about because I know that if I do not then I will set a bad example to others. When I have something come up in my life I sometimes can be negative about it and I do know that I need to change that. Recently some things have happened in my life that has lead me to have a pessimistic personality and I know that there is no need for that. I try most of the time to find something good that has happened and if I can't I try to remember HEBREWS 13:5, " I will never leave you or forsake you." This brings me comfort if something comes up and I am not being optimistic.

    - Townsend Warren

  18. Anna Stewart
    In most cases I like to think of myself as an optimist. When I make a mistake I try to find a way to make it right. In other cases though, I can get really frustrated and decide to look at the glass half empty. When I'm pessimistic I tend to annoy myself, so I like being optimistic. I;m going to try to be optimistic this year.

  19. I would like to think that I am generally an optimist person. But, that may vary by the situation, and who you ask. I feel that a lot of times when people are like, "We're playing a really good team today, we're gonna get beat so bad!" I try to be positive and tell people to just try they're hardest. When the majority of my day has been bad that is when I get pessimistic. I also get pessimistic when I am frustrated because I am having a difficult time doing something. I am going to try my hardest to be optimistic and have a good attitude with everything I do.
    Colleen Brown

  20. I think that i am an optimist person. I try to find the bright side to everything, but sometimes that hard in a sad or difficult situation. I always try to find the bright side to things and try not to look at the negative side. I wouldn't want to live my life in a negative way so I try to stay positive and find the bright side.

    -jaclyn perkins

  21. I believe that I would be an optimist. I think this because whenever something bad is happining I always think to myself well at least this didn't happen 10 times worse. I think that I would be a pessimist if lets say that it was a really hard decision then I would look at the downsides and the good sides. I think that I'm an optimist because if something is happining and it's not to good then I try to pick out the good things about the situation. That is why I'm more of an optimist then a pessimist.
    - Jessica Braithwaite :-)

  22. I think of myself as more of an optimist. I think I'm an optimist because I'm always excited and happy and I don't like it when other people aren't happy. A situation where I would be more of a pessimist would in any sort of zombie apocolypse. I would always be scared and when I'm scared I sometimes get mad. If zombies ever attack I would never be the same. I would be mean and never look at the bright side of anything.

    Halley Brooks is awesome.

  23. I think I'm probably a little more pessimistic than I am optimistic or, most of the time, I think I'm really half and half. Sometimes I look at the world from a pessimist's angle. An example of this happened today. My mom has a broken foot and has fallen down several times. Today I heard a crash, and my pessimism made me think that my mom had fallen again. If she had not fallen down in the past, I would not be pessimistic and would have thought that my dog was jumping on the bed. If I take a quiz on a subject that I have studied extra hard for, I would be optimistic that I would make a good grade. Honestly, I think I'm both. Whether I'm pessimistic or optimistic depends on the situation I'm in and my mood.

  24. Last comment was from Jack Bearup.

  25. I think I am in an optimist because when ever something bad happens, I don't instantly think its the end of the world. I try to give it another chance.For instince, if I get a bad grade on a quiz or test, I study harder and try to pay more attention in class to what the teacher is saying so I can do better on the next quiz or test.

    Sean Green

  26. I consider myself a mixture, not leaning to a specific direction. I would be a pessimist
    if I had a lot of homework, then later I had a football game and lost the game. I would be an optimist if I did not have a lot of homework, then later I had a football game and won the game. It depends on the circumstance. Sometimes the glass is half full, sometimes half empty.

  27. Ben Staton

    I would see my self as an optimistic pessimist, I know that doesn't make alot of sense but I can explain. I would generally see the glass half empty but I'm ok with that. I think the bad things in life only hieghten the good things.

  28. I think I am an optimist. I always try to see the bright side in bad situations. I can't say I'm 100% optimistic, and I have my times when I completely negative on something. I think it depends on the situation for me, but I always try to see the bright side in every problem I have. I have my days where I just am negative about every thing and I hate when I have those days. I would say I'm an optimist most of the time.

  29. I would like to think of myself as an optimist - which i mostly am - but i really don't like to get my hopes up about something because I will just end up dissapointed. I think that way mostly when I am apprehensive about things and when I am mad. I am most of the time an optimist though because I try to be happy and give everything my best. I am trying hard this year not to give up while keeping a positive and fun attitude.
    ~~Caroline Lincoln~~

  30. I consider myself a optimistic person. I have my moments though when I feel pessimist. But I always try to see the best in everything. So that's why I think I'm an optimistic person:)

    Catie Blackwood

  31. I believe I am an optimist because I try to be postive.I'm an optimist when my mom was in the hospital I tried to look at the bright side of it. Sometimes I try to be an optimist anless I can't at all. The reason I like being an optimist is beacause people hang around me and I'm not bringing them down. These are the reasons that I like being an optimist rather than a pessimist.

    - Sophia Stavropoulos

  32. I see myself as an optimist!! I see my self as that because I like to look at things in a good way!!! And not to have everything go down hill! That would be bad right!! All though people might see themselves as the complete opposite of an optimist!! I don't know what situation I would be a pessimist??? It is very unknown!!! But I will think about that!!

    ~~Sarah Nicole Houpt~~

  33. I think I am an optimist. Because i try to make the good out of things and sometimes thing of what might happen depending on what ever it is.Although I am pretty shy but other then that I'm pretty cool. -Danny Nguyen-

  34. Overall i consider myself an optimistic person. i almost always try to find the good side to everything. i do have to admit sometimes i do point out the bad things but after i point the bad things out i point out the good. i act like a pessimist when you workso hard on on paper or something the you realize that you were't doing the right assignment i then point out the bad tings like i am going to have to start all over i get pretty mad then.

    Mary Ashley Greene

  35. I consider myself to be an optimistic person the majority of the time. Sometimes something will usually go wrong with my friends and I and we will get in a major fight. Then, I will say to myself tomorrow is a new day with new mistakes in it. I then try to fix the problems with my friends, and then we all end up not being mad at each other anymore. I'm a pessimist when I am almost always talking negative about myself and feel totally insecure. I hope I can work on becoming more of an optimistic person.:)

    Kristen Marie Dabov

  36. i consider myself an optimis person because i help people and i try to find the positive side of everything. i always try to think on the happier side of things when something doesn't go right. being negative doesn't get you anywhere in life, so be positive and think on the bright side of things.
    -annie uebelacker

  37. I think I'm an optimistic person most of the time. I'm a pessimist when somebody tries to tell me something or convince me of something I know is not true, and I don't believe them. I start talking all negative and no positive. But when I am around my friends and they start arguing, I'm pretty sure that by the time I'm done talking the argument's over. I try to always be positive around my friends. When you have a negative attitude around all of your friends, it will spread like a wild fire, and then usually everybody is negative, which is not fun.
    -natalie norton

  38. I would consider myself an optimistic person because I almost always see the glass half full. An example of optimism is when I help somebody and see the positive side of everything. I am sometimes a pessimist, like when something challenging that it seems i can't do comes along. I ussually thry to see the optimistic side of everything. Sometimes it is hard though.
    -Anna threlkeld

  39. I would say that im a very optimistic person. I like to think of the postive sides of a situtation. Occationally I may be negative at a situtation. This can occur when im stuck in a bad situation and i get upset and dont know what to do. But the magority of the time i am very optimistic.

  40. In my opinion i am an optimistic person. I think about all of the good things about a situation. Sometimes i am a pessimisstic person. When that happens, i have been faced in a challenging or difficult problem to figure out. I try to view everything as the glass half-full

  41. Lauren Griffin
    I would think of myself as an optimistic person. Whenever I am getting grades back in school I sometimes act pessimist so that when I get the good grade I feel better because I expected a bad grade. It makes me feel better about myself and that I the studying i did payed off.

  42. I would consider myself a optimistic person. In dialy situations, I try seek for the good when the situation is good or bad. In frustrating situations, I would definatley consider myself a pessimist. If I forgot to do homework for example, I always get so worked up and frustrated with myself. But from previous experiences I have learned that does not do any good for me and the people around me. I have grown-up hearing the saying, "Choose to be happy", and I try to live by it evryday.
    -Caroline Moses

  43. I would say i am an optimist. I like to see the good side of things but also i can be a pessimist. when i am mad or if i know i am destin to fail because i did not try.when i am optimist most of the time everything works should allways do your best and then you can allways be an optimist and you dont get mad!
    -carly mcbride

  44. I would consider myself an optimist person. I never give up. I always do my best. If im having a bad day I dont do my best. But on good days I am happy andoptimistic.

    Jake Gray

  45. I think i am an optimist. There would be few time where i would be the other type of person.One time could be if i was going one on one in basketball with any pro basketball player.Another time would be if i saw a meteor coming my way i would know i was probably going to die. These would be the few times that i would not be optimistic.

  46. I think Im an opitmist. Im always happy and full of energy!! In a situation with a person that is a pessmist i would be myshelf and try to get alone as well as i can. I think that being happy make the world bigger and brighter for you and people around you. But I also think if im in a bad mode im more of a Pessmist. I think in my opinion everyone has a little bit of both opitmist and pessmist in them.
    Stephanie Pierotti!!

  47. I'm something of an optimist, I suppose. I think the best in most people, but I'm kind of cynical too.

    I would be more pessimistic if I've had a bad day, or a bad week.


  48. I think i am an optimist. The reason why is because I always try to look on the bright side of bad things. I can also be a pessimist if i've had a bad week. Most of the time bad things get better. Everyone should always look on the bright side of bad things.

    Gigi Rashed

  49. i think i am an optimist because i am always trying to see the plus side instead of the down side i just dont think that always looking for something bad in something good is great for your personality

    Ben Carter

  50. It is hard to say wether i am an optimist or a pessimist. Personaly Ithink that i am a little bit of both. When i am in a goo mood i could be an optimist. And when i am in a bad mood i could be a pessimist. Say if i was an optimist, and that day i had everything organized and planned out and something happend that i didnt expect, then i ight act as a pessimist.
    Jeremy Stewart

  51. I am both. I dont think I am more towards one than the other. It depends on the situation,if i was in a bad sitaution that I think could go bad i would be more of a pessimist. But its always good to point ou the good things and not just focus on the bad

    Chase cavagnaro<3
