
Monday, August 23, 2010

Blog #3

“Men show their characters in nothing more clearly than in what they think laughable.”
                                   – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1749-1832

a. What can you tell about a person by observing what he or she laughs at?
b. What do you think is funny?
c. What does this say about your character?

Your answer should be submitted by midnight Friday, August 27th.  All questions mentioned above should be answered completely in a minumum of 5 sentences. 


  1. I think that you can tell what a persons personality is and what they think is funny. I think that people doing dumb stuff is funny. I also think my friends are funny. I think this says that I am funny to. I also think that this says that I have a lot of cool friends.

    tyler Brewer

  2. You can tell if people are mean because they laugh at other people hurting themselves, like falling down. You can tell if a person is racist also because they make fun of people from other races. I think most jokes are funny as long as they don't hurt other people, and class clowns are funny. This says that I'm pretty much well rounded about what I laugh at.

    Ian Shapiro

  3. you can tell that they have a sense of humor. You can also tell what they are interested in. I think that when people fall and get hurt is funny. But i dont mean like seriously injured. I also think it is funny when people get scared. I think thissays that i am funny and fun to be around as a friend

  4. Mollie Marshall

    By hearing what a person laughs at you can tell what their maturity level is, if they laugh at anything or everything, what shows they think are funny and what types of jokes, statements, or quotes makes them laugh. I think that my two favorite shows Psych and White Collar are funny and I laugh at jokes, things my friends,teachers, or family say. This shows that I can have fun, I laugh often, and I enjoy being with friends and family. It can also show that sometimes we need to become more aware of situations of when we need to be serious instead. Laughing is a big part of life because it helps you to calm down after being stressed or angry and you can just relax and be yourself.

  5. By hearing what someone thinks is funny it can show what kind of person they are. Like, if a person can laugh at everyones jokes but one persons and when that person tells a joke they will just roll there eyes at them. I thinnk that random things are funny. I also think that wierd actions are funny. I think this shows that I can be fuinny when no one expects it.
    Lauren Griffin

  6. Colleen Brown
    I think that observing what people laugh at can tell a lot about them and their character. If the person laugh at something crude, or laugh to be hurtful on purpose that I don't really want to be friends with them. Even though I do find things like The Soup (a show on E!) very funny. I also find Halley Brooks absolutely hilarious. I also try to laugh at myself as much as possible. I think that this says that I am generally easy going and try to be kind, but I still laugh at stupid things that celebrities (and Halley) do.

  7. You can tell if someone's prejudiced or if they are mean by what the laugh at. For exmaple if someone laughs at someone who has to be corrected or needs help you can tell they are mean sprited. I think comedy show on CBS are funny to me. I also think some sayings are funny. I'm an easy person to make laugh and i'm not a fan of serious TV shows.

    Matthew Rodriguez

  8. Sophia
    When people laugh you can find what they think is funny. Many people laugh at things even if its not funny,some people laugh at other people which is mean and,some people laugh at jokes. I laugh at jokes or when people say really funny things. I thinks that speaks to my character by saying I dont laugh at things unless it has a purpose. An that is how the things that you laugh at speaks to your character.

  9. I think that what a person laughs at can reflect on their character. If they laugh at you, they tend to be not nice, but if they laugh with you then they might be nice. I laugh at funny things. Like Colleens post. I laughed at that. I laugh at myself and at (cough cough) excuse me, I mean, with my friends. I, personally, think that if you laugh at funny stuff you have good character.

    Halley Brooks is awesome

  10. P.S. I also sometimes laugh when things aren't funny. For example, when I get tired (like really tired) I laugh at random stuff like when someone says pudding. Sometimes I laugh at funny words too. Words like scuttle-butt. (scuttle-butt means rumors or gossip)

    Halley Brooks is awesome

  11. I think you can tell a lot about someones character by observing what they laugh at. I think if someone laughs at someones pain or at something they got wrong in class or something, I would think they don't have a very good chacater, and I wouldn't want to hang out with them. I think that people messing around is funny, but I don't think someone trying to annoy people trying to be funny really isn't that funny because they try to hard to be funny. I laugh at myself all the time, and I laugh at my friends too, but I never try to mean it in a mean way. I think I have a good character, but I also need to be careful at what I laugh at because it could really hurt someones feelings.

  12. i think you can tell what amuses them.i think when someone is goofing off i think it is funny.but when one of my friends does something or says something that is funny i laugh alot!
    this says that i am easly amused.also that i hang out with funny people.but most of all when someone is hurt i am not the one to be cracking up...i can be serious when i need to be.

    -carly mcbride

  13. i think you mostly tell what their personality is. i think when people make funny mistakes or just make a joke about someone is pretty funny. this shows that i like people who make funny jokes about someone without hurting people's feelings. i like to hang out with people who are funny but can be serious when they need to be.

  14. mary ashley greene

  15. You can tell if a person is cruel if they laugh at another person's pain, like when a person is hurting. You can also tell if a person is happy if they laugh easily. Sometimes a person that is not having a good day may like to take thier own anger out by laughing at someone else's mistake. There are a lot of things that make me laugh. It is easy for a person to make me laugh. I think this means that I am very happy for most of the time and that I am mostly fun to be around.
    Jake Gray

  16. you can tell weather they are simple minded, mean, friendly,or laughable. i am a very laughable person. i laugh at like any joke. NOT the ones that are racist or some body just hate'in on every body else. me laughing at all of these things makes me a nice "fun to be around guy.

  17. When a person is laughing their personality comes out. I laugh at most jokes except when people's feelings are hurt. I surround myself with funny people so I am always having a good time. This means I like to have a good time. I also want my friends to have a good time.

    Metcalf Prest

  18. If a person laughs at really wierd or inappropriate stuff it may say that you dont have that good of a character. I think that some jokes are funny. Some funny jokes are when people just act stupid on purpose. I also like it when people tell jokes about random things. I think i am a fun spirit who laughs at funny jokes. But, I dont think i am all that funny.

  19. I think what you laugh at and your laughing tells what your personality is. I laugh a lot with my friends because we all seem to have those funny moments. I even can laugh with my friends about the silliest things which really shows how close we are. I think this shows that
    I try to surround myself with good friends. I think it also shows that I csn usally use a little laughter in my day.

  20. you can tell what a person is interested and not interested in by what he or she laughes at

    watching my friends screw up something really simple is funny

    it says that i am different in lots of ways from everyone else

  21. You can tell a person's personality by paying attention to what they laugh at. When a person gets hurt I usually don't laugh. When a person's feelings are hurt I never laugh cause its meann. If a person laughs at someone whos feelings are hurt, you can tell they aren't nice. its nice to be surrounded by funny people. everyone should be careful at wht they laugh at.

    Gigi Rashed

  22. Anna Stewart
    I think that what people laugh at can tell some about their character. If someone came up to me and made a joke about a persons atheltic abilities or how they are failing in school I wouldn't want to be around them. I laugh alot with my friends because they're just funny people.I think this shows thats I like to be with happy people and that I like to be happy.

  23. By seeing what a person laughs at can tell you what they think is funney and a little bit about that person. Say they laugh at certin things that you think just isnt right. Well you may assume that that may not be a nice person. However maybe that turn out to be nice and carring for other people. in other words what they think is fun can tell you something about them but not everything.
    I think looney toons, my friends, and family are funy and some stand-up commedians.
    this says that i think a majority of things are funny.

  24. I think by observing what somebody laughs at determines their maturity level. If someone laughs a mean joke, an ignorant statement, or makes a rude remark, I think this definitely explains their personality. I believe that that means the person is inmature and needs to learn when it is appropriate to laugh at something. If the person is laughing at something funny, then they have a good sense of humor and have a good character. I think all of my friends at school are really funny and they make me laugh, a LOT. I think some TV shows are funny. This says that I like to have fun and am easily entertained.
    -Caroline Rollosson

  25. You can tell what people think is humorouse by looking at whta they laugh at. What i think is funny is when my friends and I talk about random stuff and it just turns onto to something hilarious. This says that i laugh very easily and love it too! It also says that i like to joke around.

    -Madeleine Williams

  26. By seeing what people laugh at, you can tell if they are mature and you can tell their personality. When people laugh at someone making fun of someone else or mean jokes, then they aren't a very good person and they are not mature. I think that my friends are very funny and they make me laugh all the time. I also laugh at some tv shows. This says that am easy-going and fun, but also i know that there are times to be serious.
    -Jaclyn Perkins

  27. If something is funny I usually laugh at it. This might say that I have a fun personality. If someone gets hurt, I usually don't think its funny but sometimes it can be, I guess it depends on how hurt they really are. I also have funny friends, like Mary Ashley, who always keep me smiling. This says I have a fun and laughable character, but there are also times that I need to be serious.

    Breanna Johnson

  28. I think that what people laugh at really shows what can put a smile on their face!!! But if someone laughs at the wrong thing to laugh at, that shows a different side to the story! If you laugh at a wrong time it will show that you are not serious about the things that are important in the world! If someone gets hurt and you laugh at their pain, that shows that you are just a very mean person and that you don't care about helping that person feel better!!! Laughing at their pain will make them feel worse about themselves, especially if they get a bad grade or a question wrong! You can't just laugh at their face if they do something wrong! It is flat out mean!!! I think that a good joke or just being silly is funny!!! Not being silly in a bad way, like disrupting a class! That is not funny. When people just have fun and goof off at the necessary time, then it's funny! :) :) This says about my character that I love to laugh and have fun!! Laughing is my hobbie!! But when it is time to be serious I am serious!!!! But laughing helps me through bad times!!! And that can say a lot about your character!!

    ~~Sarah Nicole Houpt!!~~

  29. Dear Sarah,
    Laughing is Justin Biebers hobby too. You can ask Jaclyn...... or me. OH!!! And its Jaclyn's hobby too..... she has this whole story about it. You should ask her about it sometime.

    Halley Brooks is awesome.

  30. You can tell many things about people by what they laugh at are. One thing is if they are inappropriate. If they are in inappropriate then they will laugh about bad word. I laugh if something is actually funny. This says i am normal.

  31. I think that you can tell alot about a persons character by what they laugh at. For example you don't really want to be friends with a person who makes fun of you in a mean way. I like to laugh with friends and at funny things. My friends all laugh with me when we get hyper and things seem alot funnier than they actually are. I think that shows that I am a happy person and I love to spend time with friends and family and having good memories that when I look back later on I'll laugh at.

    Catie Blackwood

  32. You can tell that if a person laughs at someone getting hurt then they are a mean person but if they laugh about jokes about nice things then you can tell that they are nice. I laugh at knock knock jokes and other really funny kinds of jokes. Also I love jokes that make you say something really stupid!!! I think this shows that I love classic jokes and some newer jokes. This tells that I am a classic kind of person. That is what types of jokes I like!!!

    - Jessica Braithwaite :-)

  33. I think that observing of what a person laughs at does tell something about their character. For example, if someone laughs at someone or makes fun of them then you can tell that person doesn't consider other people's feelings. On the other hand if someone does make a humorous joke that doesn't hurt anybody's feelings than you can tell that that peson is humorous yet kind. I laugh at funny sayings and actions in funny movies. I also laugh when I have a great time with my friends. I think this tells people that Iove being with my friends while having great time!

  34. I think that if somebody laughs about something mean or hurtful that they are mean and hurtful to others. I think this because you choose what you think is funny and what you think isn't, and if you choose to think something is funny because it is mean, hurtful, or just because everyone else thinks it's funny, that says a lot about their character. I laugh at good- natured sarcasm and disses,(nothing meant to seriously put somebody down) puns, and when I feel nervous or awkward. I think this says that I do have a pretty natural sense of humor, I can handle myself in sticky situations, and that I am able to understand what is or can be funny, and what crosses the line.

    Evan Furst

  35. You can tell a person is mad if they laugh a weird laugh at a joke that is not funny. I like jokes that that take awhile to figure out. This says my character is intellect and brains

  36. +This says my character is fun and laughter. And if someone cracks a joke that makes fun of other people stop them.

  37. You can tell the type of person they are by the things they laugh at. If the person laughs at someone's pain, or if someone gets in trouble or hurt that means they treat people the way that they act, which is very rude, cruel and mean. If a person laugh at funny things that are appropriate and funny, that person is usually a positive person. I laugh at things like sarcasm, funny jokes and things my friends do(not in a mean way, in a friendly way). It says that I laugh at appropriate things and that my character is fun.

  38. A)You can tell what they think in is funny. You can also tell what there personality is but observing them laugh.
    B) I think inside jokes you have with the greatest of friends are funny, my sister acting silly is funny, and all kinds of things like that.
    C) That I have close awesome caring friends surrounding me and I love my family! :)

  39. You can tell alot about a person by what they laugh about,for example if someone laughs at somthing that is not funny at all than thats a pretty good sign that they are wierd and u should probably stay away from them. I think its funny when my inner gangster comes out. I think what u laugh about says alot about ur self because it shows what kind of person u are. ZaCH kEvIN BeRgeR

  40. What do i see when people laugh? I see how that person sees things. Also how it makes them behave. But I myself laugh about what other people are talking about. Becuase of this I see myself as kind of a leach. So I'm pretty basic.

    Preston Vihlen

  41. When someon laughs i can tell how different each one of us is and how it reflects their behavior. When someon does something really embarssing or someone starts luaghing uncontrollably. this reflects my character by when i laugh with everyone that i like being with my friends and around other people.
    liz shumake
    liz shumake ~<3~

  42. By observing he/she laughing i think it describes their personality. (outgoing, funny.)
    I personally think everything is funny because i laugh at almost everything! Even the stupid and annoying stuff i laugh at because people are making fools of themselves. I think this says that im a outgoing type or person and is fun to be around.
    caroline rickman

  43. Laughing tells alot about a person. It tells alot about their character. Sometimes i think that almost everything is funny. It depends on my mood. This says that i am a funloving person most of the time.

  44. that was Anna didnt post the name part

  45. You can tell what their idea of funny is and if they laugh alot. I think alot of things are funny. I think it says that i like to laugh and have fun. Also I'm normal and have awesome friends.

    Natalie Norton

  46. When a person laughs it can be good or bad. Good is when everybody laughs and that somethimes means that they are nice. But bad is when a person goes to far and has a hurtful prank that saddens that one person. But what i laugh is when everybody get a laugh out of it. What is says about your charater is how well you can connect with the group.
    Connor Hvasta

  47. I think you can tell that someone or nice, mean or cruel by what they laugh at. If they laugh at someone else being hurt that shows they don't care about the hurt person. I think people doing or saying stupid things is funny so long as no one gets hurt. I can even laugh at the things I do and say. This says that I'm a nice guy who likes to have fun but doesn't want to see anyone get hurt.

    Jack Bearup

  48. I can tell that a person is usually not dull or boring if they laugh a lot at many or some things. I laugh at many things, but especially if someone makes a fool of themselves or suddenly trips in class. What it tells about my character is if I laugh and make fun of the person for it then that is not a good thing but it's different if you laugh for just a little while and laugh with that person. For example if you think it's too funny and make fun of the person it gets old, and is no longer funny to that person.
    -Kristen Dabov :)

  49. I can tell if they have a good personality or not. I laugh more at stuff that happens more than jokes. I think you can also tell if they have any maturity.

    love Chase Cavagnaro<3

  50. i cant tell if they have a bad personalitly or not. i laugh at my friends and i doing dumb stuff and getting hurt. and i laugh at stuff that isnt even funny with my broski chase but thats a special bond and thats why its funny! and you can also tell if there a loose kind of person

    austin powell <3
    i you more thann chase does :)

  51. You can tell if the person is mature or if the have a sense of humor. I laugh at like everything i usually seem to find something funny about what someone says. You can tell that the person is funny or if they are an interesting person or not.

    -Karsyn Sewell

  52. When people have i see their whole personality. I notice how mature they are and if they have a good sense of humor. I think i have a good sense of humor i can laugh at almost anything when other people say something funny. Laughing and when people laugh show pretty much their entire personality.

  53. i can tell by someones personalitly by someones laugh, if they laugh at something thats immature, i know they are immature. i think Karsyn Sewell and Naomi Donovan are halarious! an example of them being funny is yesterday, karsyn got her ears pierced and she was scared so she kept jerking away! i think this says that i have a scence of humor and can tell what i am intersted in!


  54. I can tell either that they are a good person or that they are disrespectful by laughing at something that is not good. When people laugh I can tell if they are mature or not. I think that its funny whatever others may be talking about.I think that this says I can have a scence of humor and it just depends what they say about it.

    --- Townsend Warren

  55. a. You can tell that someone is an idiot if they laugh at mentally ill people or make racist jokes.

    b. I think sarcasm, dry humor, and surreal things are funny.

    c. I think it says that my sense of humor is better than everyone else's... but, of course, everyone thinks that about their own sense of humor, so I'm likely just being narcissistic.

  56. the above comment was by Thomas, by the way

  57. If they laugh at something that is actually funny you can tell they have a good sense of humor. I think a lot of things are funny like, sarcasm, and sometimes i laugh just because i need to laugh. This says that I am very funny, and i like to have fun(a lot).

  58. you can tell if a operson has a good sence of humer. I laugh at people getting hert. Im fun to be around.
    chase white

  59. I dont like people tat laugh at other people. I only want to laugh when it is about none in particular. People who laugh at other people are just mean. I like to laugh with my friends. They get my sence of humor.

  60. Well if someone laughs at someone getting hurt I really dont think thats funny,i can tell that that he/she has an uncool sence of humor.What I personally think is funny is when someone you know does something you expect they would do.That just says I know what to laugh about. :P

    -Sharif Rashed

  61. I think somebody's humor tells a lot about the person who is laughing. When people laugh at other people just to be popular or mean to that particular person, that never has a good reputation on that person's personality. I think it is funny when people be themselves and act unique. You never know how funny a person can be if you just give them
    time to show their personality. I think this says that i like to wait and let people be themselves rather than hold them
    Caroline Lincoln

  62. rather than hold them back (post above)
