
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Blog #5

Do you think the Internet, cellular phones, and other technology has made our lives better or worse?

Explain in a minimum of 5 sentences.  Make sure you use correct grammar and punctuation.

For full credit this blog is due by midnight on Friday, September 10th.


  1. I think technology has made are lives better. With the advances of today we can do more then what we could do 10 years ago. For one, we can use the internet to look up information for projects instead of going to libary.
    So its faster and more efficant. But at times technology can be irritating.

    Preston Vihlen

  2. I would agree with Preston, but I also think that technology like the internet and cell phones has made the world much more dangerous. With the internet, on sites like Facebook, there are a multitude of evil, bad things you can do, like track people down and identity theft and things like that. Also, with apps like GPS locating on the iPhone, where you can pinpoint exactly where whoever you're talking to is. But I would say that technology has also made the world a safer place, being able to find people who may be predators or serial killers or things like that. I also think it has made the world more efficient and smarter. You used to have to look in a big book to find answers that sometimes may have been a little off, but with the Internet you can type in a sentence and get millions of results. With cell phones, you can communicate quickly and easily, and call for help if you need it. I also think that modern technology has become a necessity for some people, which can also be bad if you completely and totally rely on technology, but good if it helps you to succeed. I think that technology definitely has two sides to it, and I can easily see both sides.

    Evan Furst

  3. I would have to say that most modern day technology is a plus. Cell phones, computers, and other technology is such a huge advantage in the world these days. They allow you to communicate, talk to one another, see people all around the world, and the list could go on and on forever. Communicating is much faster with the new technology. The downside of technology is that it takes over some people's lives. It becomes such a necessity that some can't put their phone, laptop, or iPod down and look at the other things that God put on the Earth. But, technology is still a great thing.
    -Caroline Rollosson

  4. I think that some technology has made it easier in life, but it may take over our life! Cell phones aren't the only ways the communicate with people but it helps get the saying to the person quicker then a letter or something! But it depends if we use it everyday! If you aren't that attached to it and you only use like the Internet very little then it shouldn't be that bad!! If you go on the Internet everyday, I would say that you are addicted to technology. Hang out with friends in the neighbor hood if you can. Don't spend so much time on the internet. A cell phone is a good way to communicate with other people that are not with you. If you got lost somewhere, having a cell phone is a good thing to have with you so that you can contact someone and find them again.

    ~~Sarah N. Houpt~~

  5. I think technology has made my life better. Before I got my I-Pod, I was always forgetting things like unimportant holidays, or family reunions. But noe all I have to do is look at a screen and see what I have planned. I also think computers have made life better. E-mail is much easier than going to that persons house, especially if they live on the other side of the world. Another thing that has made my life easier is Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi lets you move around and still have internet access. So the answer is yes, technology has made life better for me.

  6. I think technology has helped us, but at the same time, technology can be bad for us. When we text or send e-mails, it is much faster than writing a note or letter. This helps us to communicate faster with people. Technology may also be bad because we may get to used to it. If we become obsessed with texting, that may not be good for our brains. So, overall, technology has helped us in some ways but has not helped us in other ways.

    ~Breanna Johnson~

  7. I think that technology has been a better thing but also a bad thing. It has made some things easier but it has also been a distraction in some cases. Technology is faster but there are other ways of doing things such as research or communnicating. Some types of technology like GPS's or different items like that help us find where we need to go but think about it... if the GPS doesn't work then we would automatically go to the internet to see the directions. But, mainly, technology has been better yet worse.

    *Lauren Griffin*

  8. I think that they have helped alot. I say that they have helped us because they accomplish things fast. For instance we can just get information at the push of a button instead of going to the library. They have also brought people together by email, text, or facebook instead of paying money for a stamp. The tachnology has helped us in many ways.

  9. I think technology has made our life better and easier, but it has also made it worse. Technology today has helped us to save time when we need to find information or talk to someone. We simply just go to our computer or cell phone at anytime. Technology can also be bad because strangers can get a hold of our personal information just by visiting a certain website or calling the wrong number. People can become addicted to the internet or texting, which may hurt our brains, try to hang out with friends at one house sometimes. Overall, technology is very helpful in many ways to us.

    Heather Stevenson

  10. Mollie Marshall

    I believe that cell phones, internet, and other technology has overall been very helpful. It allows us easy communication and easy ways to find information needed for homework, essays, or projects. Technology is also used in many ways for medical purposes, and that has enabled the world to do more complex surgeries or in depth studies. Technology has also made our lives worse by allowing us to be so dependent on what is right in front of us that we have become lazy and it can cause so many distractions that make life even harder. With that said, I still believe that technology is very useful to the world.

  11. In some ways it has and in some ways it hasnt. Cell phones can help with calling people when your in the car or other places but can also distract you with txting and stuff like that. Computers can help with searching things that you need to know but when you get addicted thats a problem. So this is a yes/no answer for me.
    Madeleine Williams

  12. I think technology has made our lives better because i will always know what might home work is. I also can talk to my friends. I know if something in my schedule has changed to. It creates jobs to. I also know if their is a snow day.

    Metcalf Prest

  13. I think technology can go for better and for worse. Technology has changed very much since the 90s, wher you can now see another person through a phone. But technology can be bad because it can easily take over your life. Now when you get home you either get on the computer, watch tv, or text and call your friends, when kids in the 90s played a neighboring game of kickball. I think it depends, but it defintly has two sides.

  14. I think its bad and good and I can see both ways. When people in cars text they sometimes crash. On the internet any person can have access to inappropriate things. These are the good things: you can quickly get any info on the internet. With a cell phone you can talk around the world.

  15. I of coarse think technology has made our lives way easier. I can also see how it has made our lives worse due to the extensive time we use on them, not for what they do to us. Technology can help so much just in the simpilist things, like making a phone call or finding directions. I definatly appriciate that we have good technology like this, but we can forget its good we have it and take it for granted and just think its a toy. Technology is also bad for us because sometimes we will go on our cell phones instead of something else more productive.

  16. I think that cell phones and internet has made our lives less hectic. I think that because if there is a emergency, you get contacted right away. There's always a bad side about it too. Private information sometimes can be leaked out onto the internet. A lot of more crimes have occured, some do too internet. I think cell phones aren't bad, but internet is.

    Caroline Rickman

  17. I think without a doubt that technology is good. I can listen to music on the internet that way, which is nice because when I want to listen to a really obscure song I don't have to go hunting through music stores and stuff to try and find it, I can just look it up on Youtube. Plus, the internet is fun to surf.


  18. ...oops, that wasn't five sentances. I'll re-post in a minute.


  19. I think that technology has helped us. Technology has improved our lives because it helps our lives go faster and easier. Technology also makes us distracted from homework and school. Technology will help us have a cooler life. That is why I think Technology is helping us today.
    Tyler Brewer

  20. I think that technology has made our lives better.We can talk to relatives that are far away.But it has also has made our lives worse.More people are either on the couch,on the computer,or watching T.V.(which makes people unhealthy).People don't meet face to face much anymore.People should get off the computer and go outside and exercise.


  21. I think in my opinion that the new technology has helped our world. having mobile cell phones keeps people up to date with important weather news and emergency news. Also many thing like iPhone's and Blackberry's have a navigation system so you can route where you are and where you'll need to be in say 5 minutes without bad traffic. Also FaceTime on the new iPhone and new iPod touch is so revolutionary because we can call someone all the way in Australia and see everything that they are doing. Now in cases it can ruin things like having accidents while texting. We do need to remember all of the time that its better to realize what GOD has put on this earth for us and enjoy outdoors and nature. So having technology is good and bad.

    ----- Townsend Warren

  22. I think that technology is both good and bad. On one hand, technology is helpful because it is easier to keep in touch with friends and family and to gather information, such as weather and directions. But you always have to be careful what you put on the Internet. You don't want a total stranger knowing where you live or go to school. With all the viruses now, you have to be careful which sites you go onto. Technology is useful, but it has it's risks.

    Catie Blackwood

  23. Anna Stewart
    I think that technology has made our world better and worse. Technology is great because we can keep up with people in different countries, get news, and all sorts of other things. I also think that technology can be abused in many different ways. People who steal identities, or stalk people are making life hard on other people and themselves.I personally love technology it has made my life a lot easier.

  24. Gigi Rashed
    I think technology has helped alot. We can now communicate with our relatives and friends faster. It also entertains me. I can also listen to music. I like technology. It has helped us.

  25. I think that technology like internet and cellphones has helped us. We can get information fast with the internet and we can communicate with people easier with cellphones. If someone had an emergency they would be able to contact someone fast with technology. I can also see why technology can be a bad thing. Technology has taken over some peoples lives and personal information can be leaked over the internet. I think that technology has made life better and worse in some ways.
    -jaclyn perkins

  26. I think cell phones and technology have helped us. How else would we communicate with long distance relatives that doesn't take too long?
    Also, the computers we use help keep us entertained. They also help us keep up to date with recent events that have happened. Also GPS devices help us find our way when were lost.

    Ian Shapiro

  27. I think that technology has changed our lives. Computers, cell phone and the Internet can be great advantages, but they can also be disadvantages. It all depends on how you use technology. The great advantages are that you can stay in touch with your friends and family and technology can help you in school. The disadvantages are that computers, cell phones, and the Internet can be HUGE distractions when you know that you are suppose to be doing something else like homework. Technology, when it's either good or bad, still has a huge effect in our lives.
    - Caroline Moses

  28. I think that cell phones and computers have changed our lives in a good way. I think this because if we had no computers then we wouldn't be able to type documents, do blogs, or even email your friends! Also, without computers then we wouldn't be able to do even half as much in science because we couldn't print out our notes! Cell phones have changed us aswell, but I'm not so sure that they did in a good way. Cell phones are great and all but we get addicted to them and I know some people who(on weekends) never ever put their phone down! So whether technology has changed us in a good way or a bad way, I still Love it!!!

  29. Internet, cell phones and other technology has changed our lives alot. It is sometimes a good change and sometimes a bad change. The internet is good for finding out what is going on the world. It is bad when it takes over peoples lives. Cell phones can be good when you need to make plans and stuff.

  30. In away technology has made our lives easier, for example I am using a computer to do school work. It also does math, science,and many other things, too. But technology is bad becuse we can get hooked on it and forget how to do things our selves. Did Alber Eistien have calulators, no he did his math no paper. I think technology has it's perks but nothing can replace the human brain.


  31. Colleen Brown 7PAA
    I think that having technology has made our lives both better and worse. I think that the internet has been one of the largest advances in technology, and I think it's one of the best. Computers in general I think are very useful and a good tool. Cellphones, printers, and TVs are all things that we use on a daily basis and are really awesome. But, I can also think that they may have may our lives worse, too. I think this because their are some people who never want to put their cell phone down, or get off the computer and go outside, so it's not really a healthy habit. When ever I go to camp, or go camping I realize how nice it really is to go a couple of weeks with out having to worry about emails, or texts, or if someone said something to me on ichat.

  32. i think that cell phones, internet, and other technology has been good. When you need to tell someone something right away you can just call or text them! In some ways its bad. i think that if you text a lot or talk to people on the computer then you loose your communication skills. My mom says texting makes you crazy. Anyways i think technology is good.

    annie u

  33. I think that newer technology has improved our lives. But like I miss before i had my phone and computer when i used to hang out with my family more than i do know. I love using my phone and computer because i get to do a lot of new other things. I like using my computer because i can connect with new people. I also do a lot of homewrok on my computer.
    Karsyn Sewell

  34. The benefits of technology are being able to do my homework on the computer, play video games. Also,I can use the cell phone to talk to my friends, and allow my parents to keep up with me when I'm away. The disadvantage is that we can become detached from other people. We depend on texting and emailing rather than talking.

  35. i think it made life better because it enables you to do your homework on the computer. I think cell phones are very useful because you can talk to friends and family members. It also helps you do stuff lie this on the computer and write essays.

  36. I think it has made our lives better. it makes amny thing quick and easy. it can sumtimes be a letdown tougt or complikated. I think over all it has help a lot.

    chase white

  37. I think it has helped mostly. I think it is an easier way to communicate and learn information but also i think that one day we will be completely relient off of the internet and that will eventualy be bad because not everything on the internet is true facts.

    Chase Cavagnaro<3

  38. I think it has change in a bad and a good way. Technology is good because you can get work done faster on it, communicate faster, and learn stuff faster. Lost of people do homework and schoolwork on there computers.It's a bad thing cause it can get addicting and you will forget about other things. I am looking forward to seeing how technology will change in the future.

    -Caroline Carter

  39. I do believe that technology has made our live worse but i also believe that it has made our lives much much better. We couldn't do this without technology. We don't have to use books anymore to find out information. all we have to do it click on the internet button and look up what ever we want to know. life is much easier and a little bit better with the internet.

  40. Jeremy Stewart's commen is above, i forgot to put my name.

  41. I think all that technolage has been great! I dont know how we could live without ggogle and cell phones and email.Those think make life so much easier.For example if someone was dieing a cell phone could call 911 and save a life.they could aslo harm u cuz people could track u a kill u cuz ur puting a lot of onfo out there with the enternet and stuf like that.


  42. technology ha my bad ................................................................................................................zachary.........................................................................................kevin...........................................................................................berger......................................................................

  43. I think it has made our lives better. Now we can keep our country save by watching out for our soldiers with unmanned airplanes. We can now talk to each other without being in the same continent.
    We can do these very super fun blogs that I always
    forget to do with the technology. We would also have to do our science fair projects by hand without typing or online research.

  44. Technology is good. Without it Mr.Hinote would'nt have his job.... haha get it? Technology helps us communicate with people that we don't get to see a lot.Cell phones are good but can also be distracting. Technology has really moved us forward.

    Halley Brooks is awesome.
