
Monday, September 13, 2010

Blog #6

“Just because something doesn’t do what you planned it to do doesn’t mean it’s useless.”
                                                           – Thomas Alva Edison, 1847-1931

Edison learned much from his mistakes. Write about a mistake you make that taught you more than your successes did.

Answer must be 5 sentences at minimum.  Grammar and punctuation counts!!  This blog is due by midnight on Friday the 17th.


  1. I made a mistake for not studying. I now study more. You learn more when you study. Everyone should study. Studying increases your chance of making a good grade.

    metcalf prest

  2. I learned to study more on quizzes and tests. If I don't study for at least 30 minutes, I usually don't get a good grade. Doing homework is important, too. I've learned that if you don't do your homework, your grade can drop. Doing homework is simple (most of the time) and can bring your grade up, too.

    Breanna Johnson

  3. In fifth grade, I made a mistake of not listening to my coach. He told me to pass the ball to Josh Dabbous but instead I passed the ball to Metcalf. Metcalf wasn't open to catch the ball. The other player stole the ball and scored the winning point. Today, I listen to my coach and pass the ball to the person the coach tells me to. I also call the right plays.
    Tyler Brewer

  4. One of my biggest mistakes was when I took a two week long break from dance. I had the break right after the regional championships and I thought I deserved it. But after the two weeks were up, I found out that I had lost all of my stamina and my steps were very bad. Now I try to keep my breaks between practicing short, like one to two days. It has helped me keep my stamina up and to not forget dances. I will never take another long break from practicing.

    Catie Blackwood

  5. I have made many mistakes but one that stood out to me was one that happened a couple of years ago! It was in the 4th or 5th grade, it was my first year to play competitive soccer also. I was in the goal, and one of my defensive players, Helen, passed me the ball. I didn't know that if one of you players passes you the ball while you were that goalie that you weren't supposed to pick it up and punt it. So I did pick it up after she passed it to me and then the ref blew his whistle and the other team got a free kick. I couldn't stop it so it went into the gaol and they got the winning point! UGH! Now I know not to pick the ball up when you teammate passes it to you and you are the goalie!

    ~~Sarah N. Houpt~~

  6. One of the mistakes I have made in my life was riding a bicycle without a helmet. My mom had told me to put it on, but I didnt listen and had a really bad crash. I almost cracked my skull open, but God was watching over me. I learned a very valuable lesson. First of all, I will never ride my bike without a helmet again. Secondly, I try to listen to my parents as much as I can because they are the ones who I listen to most.
    -Caroline Rollosson

  7. Ok, so I have made a lot of mistakes. But one that stood out to me the most was when I was in the 4th or 5th grade and it was my first time to play competitive soccer. I was on the Falcons 98 team. So my defensive player, Helen, passed me the ball and I picked it up with my hands and punted it. Well, I didn't know that you weren't allowed to do that, so then the ref blew his whistle and the other team got a free kick. I wasn't able to get the ball so it went into the goal and the other team got the winning point. UGH! But know I know that you are not allowed to do that when you player passes to you when you are the goalie. I have learned my lesson! Trust me, I am never going to do that again!!

    ~~Sarah N. Houpt~~

  8. The mistake that taught me me more than my successes did, would be the time when I left a candle going on a shelf, in my house while we were gone, and almost caught the house on fire. The burning candle left a charcoal black spot on the bottom of the shelf above it, and I did not tell my mom for a while. Since then I've always blown out candles before I leave or go to sleep.

    natalie norton

  9. I have made quite a few mistakes in my life. For example through elementary school i usually didnt sstudy and still made good grades. Since i entered middle school the work has gotten harder and longer. So when i did a few test i learned that i had not been doing as good as i usually did. So that taught me a very valuable lesson i will use for now on and its to study for every test and do my best that i can do.

  10. One night I had forgoten to bring my P.E. clothes to school.I had felt like an idiot being the only one without P.E. clothes.After that day I promised to always bring them.If you don't want to get a bad grade in P.E. then bring your clothes!

  11. I have made a lot of mistakes in my life, but i remember one the most. When I was in 3rd grade my family took a vacation to Sequoia National Park in California. I was put in charge of taking pictures while we were there and I spent so much time taking pictures of just random stuff I saw. I never actually looked at the beauty in the places we visited in the park. I missed out on making memories and seeing wonderful things. I learned from this, to enjoy something while you have it because it may not always be there.

    Heather Stevenson

  12. I forgot to study one or two times and made a bad grade! I now remember that studying helps ALOT! It helps bring up my gradesso i can do things after school! I think everyone should study!
    Mary Ashley Greene

  13. I have lied a lot in my whole life. It never turned out good. At the beginning u think it will be alright, but it never is. so everybody out there, don't lie

  14. I've made a lot of mistakes in my life, but one that stood out was when I was in 3rd or 4th grade. I had put dough in the microwave (I don't know why). I had gone and done something else while in was in the microwave and I smelt something burning. I ran to the kitchen and took the dough out of the microwave and put water on it. That just made it worse. Then, I just threw it away. I almost caught my microwave on fire. I've learned to never leave while something is cooking.

  15. One time, when I was younger, I asked my brother to make me a Poptart. He said no. I didn't know how to make a poptart so i asked him how and he said to put it in the toaster. I was asked him how to put it in the toaster and he said up in down. I put it in slanted and the toaster caught on fire..... now I know not to catch my toaster on fire. Anyway, I don't like Poptarts anymore.

    Halley Brooks is awesome.

  16. I mean up and down....

    Halley Brooks is awesome.

  17. When I was little one Sunday morning I didn't want to go to church so I pitched a fit and got grounded. I was so mad I ran away.But since I was little I ran into my backyard and hid in a bush. After a while my mom came into the backyard but didn't find me and then I saw my dad up at the street calling my name. I felt bad then and ran to hug him. The rest of that day was spent in my room, but I didn't do to church. I learned running away is hard for you and your family.

  18. Mollie Marshall
    I have made a lot of mistakes in my life, but the one that I remember the most was of when I first used the stove by myself. I was cooking soup and my mom was out of the house. Some of the soup spilled and I do not really know why, but for some reason I used a paper towel to clean it up and it caught on fire. I freaked out and ended up throwing the paper towel into the sink and turned the water on; thankfully everything was okay and the fire was put out immediately by the water. I learned to be more careful when I am cooking and to wait until after the stove is off and fully cooled down, to clean up any messes.

  19. Jessica Braithwaite :)September 14, 2010 at 5:45 PM

    The mistake that I made was when we had to do the cell project I made my out of jell-o which I failed to relize was mostly made out of water. All of the lifesavers, sprinkles, noodles, and icing had gone all funky. The only thing that survived was the sparkles. I now know that it was not useless because I could still play with the sparkles. This is why not every mistake is useless.

  20. I did not do the study guide/chapter review for science. I bombed the test. So I now know to do my study guide. The lesson I learned to do your study guide and do well on tests. Edison made over two thousand mistakes but said,” I didn’t fail, I found over two thousand ways not to make a light bulb”.

  21. A mistake that I remember was when I was in 3rd grade. One morning before school we were ironing my pants. So I wasn't maying attention to what I was doing and I ran straight into the board. Then the iron fell off and landed on my foot! The rest of the day it was so hard to walk but I did. Luckily I didn't get a scar from the burn.
    ---- Townsend Warren

  22. I have a mistake. It was when I was in 3rd grade when I got like a $40 stuffed eagle and after that we went to the mall. when we were walking to the car I had realised the I had looked at some $60 sunglasses then put them in the stroller. My mom and I had both learned somthing. My mom learned to not let us pick anything up at the mall and I learned to don't steal thing because I was grounged for like 3 months.
    -Henry Gallop

  23. I have made so many mistakes in my life that they are countless. Everyone has. If you dont make mistakes, you never learn from them. Most of my mistakes are forgetting to study and then I'm disappointed because I don't get a good grade. I have to learn from it somehow so It enables me to study next time.

    Caroline rickman

  24. I have a bad mistake. One time last year at a football game, I pulled out of the line when I was not supposed to. I accidentally let the guy I was supposed to block slip past me and make the tackle. I was mad, but I did learn something.
    Always pay attention to coach and your plays.

    Ian Shapiro

  25. One of the mistakes I made was last summer when I was cooking dinner at my moms house. She told me to turn down the stove because the water was already boiling, i didn't. The the next thing you know, we hear this sizling sound and I go into the kitchen and the stove is overflowing with water. What had happened was that when the water was boiling the water was bubbling to much and it started running over the side. Now I know that next time my mom tells me to turn down the stove, i will.
    Listen to your parents when cooking.
    -Lauren Griffin

  26. One mistake I made was not paying attention in class. I thought I could learn everything I needed to know by studying form the book. I ended up making a bad grade on the test. I got grounded for a long time because of that. Now I always pay attention in class.

    Josh Threlkeld

  27. One mistake that I have made was cooking chocolate in a plastic container in the microwave. My parents werent home and I was craving melted chocolate so I decided to make some. I ended up compleley destroying the container and making the house smell horrible.
    Next time make sure what I put into the microwave is safe.

  28. Ben Carter rocks saidSeptember 15, 2010 at 7:07 PM

    I made the mistake of not studying for a Latin quiz one time. And guess what? I ended up getting a very bad grade on the quiz. So next time you're thinking about not studying, think twice. I learned that I should study for quizzes.

  29. I think the biggest mistake I made, and learned from it was speaking in anger. I've only done it thrice, but whenever I did, it always ended badly. I felt bad about it immediately after it happened, and there was nothing I could do about it. The way I learned from it the most was how I felt about doing it. I didn't care about the consequence as much as I did about how I had affected the person I had spoken to in anger (I think it was my mom or one of my friends all three times) and how awful I felt about it inside. Speaking and acting in ways that you haven't thought about previously is definitely a bad idea every time. Every single time.

    Evan Furst

  30. I have made mistakes in my life. One is being on my phone or laptop too long. SO now my mom takes my phone and computer away at 10. I don't like, my mom need to stop! I regret being on my phone too long.

    Annie Uebelacker

  31. A mistake i made is not studying. when ever i didnt study i usely didnt make good grades. now that i do study i make good grades most o fhte time.
    chase white

  32. i made the mistake of not taking care of the things i have. Since i broke my phone i havent been able to get a new one. it has its pros and cons though. Like now instead of communicating over a screen i actually call people and hear their voice or i talk to them in person. It has been really difficult when i need my phone and i dont have it but when i dont need it but i want it... it isnt so bad.

    Liz Shumake ~<3~

  33. a mistake i learned from was when I was disrespectful to my mom and lost all my Christmas and birthday gifts. i had to earn all of them back one by one each week if i was good. I defiantly learned to respect my mom after that

    Zach Berger

  34. The mistake i made was not turning my homework in. I did not feel like doing it. So I went in the next morning and got a zero.Then I still did not turn it in for a whole week.I did bad on the test.
    I will never wait a week to do my home work again.

  35. The mistake that I made was that I hung out somewhere with my friends where i wasnt supposed to. My parents told me that I might not be able to go near that place again so made sure that i was extra good. And my parents let me go near there but not to it. So i learned if that my parents tell me not to go somewhere, I shouldnt go there.

  36. Anna Stewart
    One mistake I made would be ignoring my mom. I don't remember what it was for, but I try not to do it often. My mom kept telling me do something over and over and I never did it. Finally she started to yell. It scared me half to death! I learned that you should do what your parents tell you the first time, it makes things so much easier!

  37. I make alot of mistakes. I remember in 4th grade i woke up late and i was in a rush. When i was getting in the car i didn't realize i forgot my shoes. When we were almost at school i realized my shoes were not on my feet. We had to go back home and we were very late..never forget your shoes.

    Gigi Rashed

  38. When i was younger i didnt have a very good time mangegement,and one day in like 4th maybe 5th grade i relized i didnt finish a project!Once i told my mom she freaked out!I had to stay up along time to finish.Honestly ive done this i think once this year so far,hopefully that was the only time that will happen this year.The morale of this story is that dont be a dummy and wait till thursday night and think o hey i have a HUGE profect due tomorrow!!Yeah,no...

    -sharif Rashed__________:)__________________:)___

  39. One mistake i made was when i ordered too much food at a resturant. It was so much that i couldn't even scratch the surface. So i would feel like i waysted our money. But then my mom asked my 3 other brothers if they wanted some. And of corse being older they would devower it. That would make me happy.

    Preston Vihlen

  40. My most often mistake is to study for quizzes and tests. I have made the mistake of not studying many times and the result has never been good. I remembered one time I studied the wrong thing and I got a really bad grade and had my phone taken away for a week. Other times, I chose not to study becaus either I thought that I wouldn't need to study or I just forgot to study. For example, I thought that one test was going to be really easy but it ended up that the test was a lot harder than I thought. I have learned a very important lesson about studying in the past.
    -Caroline Moses

  41. One of my biggest mistakes in life is not being a good friend. I would usually ignore my friend, felt ashamed of her, and chose her over being cool. It got me no where. Every day I would feel bad for what I did. Now we are the best of friends. We still try to work our friendship though. She has taught me many things, and now I try to always be a loyal friend to her.
    - Kristen Dabov :)

  42. One of my mistakes in my life that I have learned from is when I was about nine years old. We were in Rosemary Beach and I ran back to a restraunt we were previously at to go get something I left. When I came back my parents were gone and i started searching the whole town and began to get apprehensive. I got very upset and right as i was crossing a street, my dad was crossing on the opposite side and he saw me. I had almost gotten lost so i learned to never run away from an adult unless you know the area.
    Caroline Lincoln

  43. A mistake i made was not studying for my Latin quiz because i thought that i knew the stuff of the quiz.I totally failed that quiz.It has effected my grade,but i bring extra credit and study so i can fix that mistake.Now i learned that when you study for Latin it is so much easier.If i had just studied i would not have had the motivation to study every time.

    -Carly McBride

  44. I have made many mistakes in my life, but one of them is not studying for a test. I thought that i knew it but I ended up getting a bad grade on the test and I regretted not studying. Now, I always study for tests and quizzes, even if i think i know it.

    -Jaclyn Perkins

  45. I once made the mistake of not puttong my stuff in a locker for gym and sports. I was changing for track and I put my stuff on the floor where I would find. When I got back from track my stuff was gone, I couldn't find it any where. I still think a stupid sixth (now seventh) grader took it. Any ways so now I try to put my stuff up.
    Ben Staton

  46. In these days I've learned that not doing homework is a simple mistake that people usually make, and without doing your homework can lead to some bad results in quiz and test grades. So now and these days i try studying harder and do all of my homework or my grades will turn out horrible.
    Danny Nguyen

  47. I can't really name one huge mistake that I've made, but I know there has been several. Sometimes I am just impolite to my family and I get in a huge argument with them. Usually I start yelling and get in trouble. Then, I can't do anything for the rest of the week. I have learned to control what I say and to try to be polite. especially if I have plans for the weekend.

    Colleen Brown

  48. A bad mistake I have made is when I forget to bring home the right books after school. In the third grade I did poorly because of this. Then with no other solution to the problem I had to bring every one of my books home every day. Then after a while the problem went away. I learned that It can cause you to fail even all you forget is your homework.


  49. I have learned that actually trying on the work i do does help with what i learn. I used to guess of my homework that we went over in class, but then i realized it was affecting my test grades. Now that I do my homework my test scores have been getting better. I also have learned that when i disrespect my parents, i will get very bad consequences like getting my phone and laptop takin away. I have learned a lot from adults.

    Karsyn Sewell

  50. One of my mistakes was not studying for a quiz.because I didn't study I got a bad grade on it and got my phone taken away also made my grade in that class go down. From then on I study for every quiz or test so I will get a good grade and so I can have a phone but the grade part is way more important then my phone privileges.

    Stephanie Pierotti

  51. One time I was at practice and I was supposed to run a flag route, but instead I ran a slant. The receiver in front of me happened to tip the ball so I caught it. Even though I ran the wrong route, it turned out to be a completion.

  52. A mistake that taught me a lot was in third grade. I was rather temperamental and kept getting mad about stupid things that weren't worth getting mad about. I kept getting in trouble at home for overreacting and throwing fits. I was taught by that to only get mad about things that are worth it.


  53. I did not study for ta test once thinking I would be fine. I thought i could ace the test without any help. My parents were telling me to study but I did not. I acted like I believed them but really i was just lazy. Soon the day came where I had to take the test. Right before the test I kind of hid my worries. It ended up that I did not get a good grade. I think I got a..... 72. I learn that day that as you move along in life things get harder so you need to study for them.
